Thursday, April 30, 2009

Opera to add 10,001-st student to its Education program

Opera Press Releases
Opera to add 10,001-st student to its Education program
Oslo, Norway – April 22, 2009

Following last year's success, Opera today kicks off the second year of its university tour program. The program is aimed to work closely with schools and universities across the globe to enhance learning about the Web. This semester, Opera meets the students in India, Indonesia, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Spain, Russia and Brazil. See the full schedule:

"The university tour we kicked off last year exceeded our expectations, gathering close to 10,000 students and professors who are enthusiastic about the Web," said Jon von Tetzchner, CEO of Opera Software. "The students were actively taking part in discussions on important topics facing the future and challenges of the Web, raising relevant questions about the industry. In all, 840 students so far have joined Opera's Campus Crew program to continue the discussion on important Web issues and technologies on their campuses, as well as to network with other future industry leaders."

"The students that are seeking a degree want real life examples and want to be involved in the discussion on how to make the Web better," said Risanto Darmawan, Multimedia Lecturer at Krisnadwipayana University, Jakarta. "Students were attending Opera's Education program with great interest and are carrying Opera's initiative further by meeting in discussion groups and organizing debates on the subject matter. We are interested in the Web and want to be involved in shaping it."

This year's seminars will continue to explore topics such as the history and future of the Web, the browser industry, open Web standards, Web applications and the increasing role of mobile Web browsing in developing countries. The Opera Education program gives students a possibility to take part in Opera's representatives program and learn about internship opportunities at Opera.

In 2008, Opera's university tours were held in 89 universities in 11 countries, meeting close to 10,000 students and professors. Learn more about the program:

About Opera Software ASA

Opera Software ASA has redefined Web browsing for PCs, mobile phones and other networked devices. Opera's cross-platform Web browser technology is renowned for its performance, standards compliance and small size, while giving users a faster, safer and more dynamic online experience. Opera Software is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with offices around the world. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol OPERA. Learn more about Opera at

Reference :


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Krisnadwipayana University Jakarta Indonesia Opera mini challenge

Awalnya, direncanakan di-running tgl 10 Januari 2009 tapi karena mau event-nya resmi dengan poster, merchandise dan kaos Opera, dipindah jadwalnya ke tgl 17 January 2009, tentunya event posternya belum kita tempel. Ternyata lama ditunggu sampai sehari sebelum acara paket belum datang juga, akhirnya kontak Zara dan Putri dan diputuskan event tetap jalan.

Presentasi Opera Mini sendiri dijadwal setelah meeting reguler pertemuan fakultas dengan mahasiswa. Oh ya, saya dibantu oleh partner OCC saya, Ragil Rahayu (the future leader).

Itu dia posternya yg baru ditempel dihari pelaksanaan dan tidak ada kata-kata free gift.

Tercatat 30 participant dan boleh dibilang seluruhnya dari jurusan teknik Informatika (termasuk Bapak kepala jurusan TI).

Pemandangan kampus Jatiwaringin di hari Sabtu Januari 2009.

Karena peserta tidak banyak, presentasi mengambil tempat diruang sidang fakultas dan acara dibuka oleh ketua jurusan TI Bp. Harjono, SKom, MKom, yang membawakan topik mengenai program jurusan.

Sekitar pukul 2.45 pm, Presentasi Opera Mini nya dimulai oleh Ragil yg memperkenalkan Opera Campus Crew, tugas-tugasnya dan manfaat bergabung. Juga posisi OCC-KU diantara universitas lain di dunia (Countries and Campuses)

Setelah Ragil presentasi dilanjutkan ke topik utama yang membahas :
Internet (Search Engine, Google, Tips dan Trick and Case Study)
Opera Software company dan Opera product (termasuk Opera Desktop 9.63)
-(Opera and Opera Product Slideset)
-Memperlihatkan video tentang Opera browser 12 years history
-(Slideset tentang Open the Web
Opera Mini 4.2 (presentasi mengenai Interface, features and what’s new in Opera Mini 4.2)
Juga memutar beberapa video Opera Mini
-Full Mobile web with Opera Mini
-Things you can do with Opera Mini

Tujuan presentasi ini juga mau memperlihatkan ke peserta manfaat search engine (Google) dalam kegiatan sehari-hari kita dan adanya Opera Mini yg dilengkapi Google akan membuat hidup kita lebih baik, dicoba deh .. saya saja menggunakan Google tiap hari dan sekarang Opera Mini karena lebih cepat dan lebih hemat.

Senang karena peserta mengambil manfaat dari presentasi ini dan beberapa tertarik untuk bergabung dengan Opera Campus Crew.

Opera Posters di papan pengumuman jurusan dan fakultas.

Diharapkan banyak mahasiswa yg bergabung setelah melihat presentasi ini.